HAWC Call Center Workflow First text box reads, "Are you experiencing a housing crisis? The Housing Access for Washtenaw County (HAWC) Call Center is one of the first points of contact you should make. You can contact HAWC Call Center by phone at (734) 961-1999 or email at HAWC@washtenaw.org. The call center is open Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 5:00pm. Callers can leave a message rather than hold for the next available intake specialist. Voice messages are returned within 24 hours. Below this is an arrow pointing down to the next text box with the word "YES" next to it. Second text box reads, "We will complete an Intake with you." When you contact the HAWC Call Center, an Intake Specialist will ask you questions about your household information and circumstances to determin next steps." Below this is an arrow pointing down to the next three text boxes with the word "YES" next to it. From right to left, first text box reads "Are you Housed, but seeking additional housing and general resources?" If you are we will provide information on affordable housing resources. We will remind you to call back should your housing circumstances escalate. Next, in the middle, is second text bubble reads, "Will you lose your primary night-time residence within fourteen days?" If you answer yes to this question, is the total income for your household at or below thirty percent annual median income? If no, we will provide information on affordable housing resources. We will remind you to call back should your housing circumstances escalate. If yes, we will schedule you for a Prevention Assessment. Your Prevention Assessment is completed by phone with the HAWC Family Assessment Agency (SOS). A Case Manager will ask you questions to determine if you qualify for financial assistance (i.e. rental arrears, utility arrears, move-in assistance). You will have to submit required documentation. You will be given a deadline to submit these by ###. Last text box on the right reads, "Are you currently living in a shelter, transitional housing, or a place not meant for human habitation? If you answer yes to this question, we will schedule you for a Shelter Assessment. Your Shelter Assessment will be completed by one of our HAWC Assessment Agencies. A Case Manager will ask you questions to determine your level of need. We prioritize those most vulnerable for Shelter first so there is a waitlist. We will give you more information during your Assessment. If you have a child in your household under the age of 18 years, you are considered a Family and will have your appointment completed by phone. If you are an adult with no children, your assessment may be by phone or in-person. Important: If you are feeling Domestic Violene (Category 4), are a runaway youth (ages 10-17 years), or a Veteran, we will also refer you to local agencies that can give more support. Funding for the Call Center comes from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) which fund services). HUD and MSHDA have rules about who is eligible to get funds. This includes how they define "homelessness" and income level.