Your primary nighttime residence is a public or private place not meant for human habitation ; OR
You live in a shelter meant to provide temporary living arrangements; OR
You left an institution (e.g. jail, substance use treatment center), were at that institution for 90 days or less, AND were homeless (according to HUD’s Category 1 definition) before entering the institution
How do I apply for help with my security deposit or rent? Step 1: Apply for Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) State Emergency Relief (SER) Step2: Call HAWC Call Center at (734) 961-1999 Step 3: Accept earliest prevention appointment offered Step 4: Attend your scheduled appointment
How do I get on the list for Housing Choice Voucher (HCV)? The Housing Choice Voucher Homeless Preference Waitlist is only for those that are Category 1 Homeless. Step 1: Call HAWC Call Center at (734) 961-1999 and complete your Intake Step 2: Attend your Assessment Appointment Note: If you are an Individual, your HCV Appointment will be a part of your Individual Shelter Assessment at the Delonis Center. If you are a Family, your HCV Appointment is scheduled after your Family Shelter Assessment.
How do I sign up for Avalon Housing? There are many providers in our system that provide housing supports. There are no guarantees that you will get a unit with Avalon Housing. The below are the steps that you will need to take to get access to housing supports. Step1: Call HAWC Call Center (734) 961-1999 Step 2: Accept earliest assessment appointment offered Step 3: Attend your scheduled appointment Step 4: If you are eligible for resources, we will add you to the Community Housing Prioritization (CHP) list Step 5: We will contact you when placement is available
When will I get Shelter for my Family? We will call you for Family Shelter when beds (according to the size of your family) are open.
How do I get ahold of Delonis Center? To contact the Delonis Center (Shelter Association of Washtenaw County): Step 1: Call the HAWC Call Center at (734) 961-1999 Step 2: Complete the Intake/Screening. We will schedule a Referral to Delonis and/or Individual Shelter Assessment Appointment.
Who is eligible for a referral to Delonis Center? You must be a single adult and Category 1 Homeless.
How do I get on the Housing Choice Voucher (formerly Section 8) Waitlist? There are many ways. When the waitlist is open for new households, an email will go out to community members. You will then follow the directions on the notification for the waitlist. Project Based Vouchers are managed by housing developments, you will apply through their process. More information on HCVs can be found at
How do I check my status on the Housing Choice Voucher (formerly Section 8) Waitlist? Contact the organization that informed you that you are on their waitlist. The list of Section 8 organizations in Washtenaw County are as listed: CMA: RPI Management: Ann Arbor Housing Commission: Plymouth Housing Commission: Ypsilanti Housing Commission:
What is the number for Wayne County’s Housing Assessment and Resource Agency (HARA)? Wayne – Detroit, Highland Park, Hamtramck (313) 305-0311 Out-Wayne (734) 284-6999
What cities are in Washtenaw County? Ann Arbor Township, Augusta Township, Bridgewater Township, City of Ann Arbor, City of Chelsea, City of Dexter, City of Milan, City of Saline, City of Ypsilanti, Dexter Township, Freedom Township, Lima Township, Lodi Township, Lyndon Township, Manchester Township, Northfield Township, Pittsfield Township, Salem Township, Saline Township, Scio Township, Sharon Township, Superior Township, Sylvan Township, Webster Township, York Township, Ypsilanti Township
Housing Access for Washtenaw County (734) 961-1999
Description of picture in above header: image is of the downtown Ann Arbor skyline at sunset. Orange sunlight reflects on building roof tops and clouds.